THE TONGUE That night, before John went to bed, he read from the Bible, Moses’ flaws due to his temper and he prayed for grace to hold himself back and not be easily angered. Seconds later, he was gone, soaked completely in the ocean of sleep. Of a sudden, John was no longer 8 years. He was now a man in his late 30’s, already successful in his way and married too. His wife, Rebecca, who he called Becky for short was a gentle woman, the type that doesn’t worry her husband. They really loved each other, naturally, just like milk and flour. All was going smoothly until that day… Before this fateful day, both of them had been expectantly waiting on the Creator for a child but Becky hadn’t taken in yet. On that day, John was visited at work by his uncles; the only two brothers his mom had. They brought news on how miserable their sister was and how it was his fault, how she was dying gradually and hadn’t seen her grandchildren and how that was Becky’s fault too. Well, if I, the narrator of ...